Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Greetings and Good Wishes!

Seven and a half years ago, I was told out of the blue that I have diabetes. I thought it meant I was going to die any minute. And needless to say, that's not a very happy state of mind to be walking around with. Ultimately, of course, I didn't -- die, that is. At least I haven't yet. And in the meantime, I've learned a few things about diabetes, life, and myself.

The result is a book I just published and wished had existed when I needed it myself. If you're curious, check it out on Amazon.com.  It's already available in paperback and Kindle editions and will be available shortly in an audio edition, as well.

Besides the book, I've decided to start writing this blog, too.  Originally, I only intended to write the book, but these things have a way of taking on a life of their own. And after the book was finished, I kept thinking of things I really ought to have included. Ha!

So I'm stuck, I guess, until I don't have anything left to say (which as my friends will tell you, won't come any time soon). Welcome to my world. And just to prove how serious I am about this, I'll tack on a little commercial. Here it comes!

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